Clip raster bands


Clip multiple rasters

This tab allows for cutting several image bands at once, using a rectangle defined with point coordinates or a boundary defined with a vector.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Clip band set

Tool symbol and name


Select input band set input_number

select the input Band set to be clipped

checkbox Use value as NoData input_number

if checked, set the value for NoData pixels (e.g. pixels outside the clipped area)

Output name prefix input_text

set the prefix for output file names (default is clip) Clip coordinates

Set the Upper Left (UL) and Lower Right (LR) point coordinates of the rectangle used for clipping; it is possible to enter the coordinates manually. Alternatively use a vector.

Tool symbol and name


radiobutton Use coordinates for clipping

if checked, use defined coordinates for clipping bands

UL X input_number

set the UL X coordinate

UL Y input_number

set the UL Y coordinate

LR X input_number

set the LR X coordinate

LR Y input_number

set the LR Y coordinate

radiobutton Show

show or hide the clip area drawn in the map


define a clip area by drawing a rectangle in the map; left click to set the UL point and right click to set the LR point; the area is displayed in the map

radiobutton Use vector for clipping input_list

if checked, use the selected vector (already loaded in QGIS) for clipping; UL and LR coordinates are ignored

checkbox Use vector field for output name input_list

if checked, a vector field is selected for clipping while iterating through each vector polygon and the corresponding field value is added to the output name

radiobutton Use temporary ROI for clipping

if checked, use a Temporary ROI for clipping; UL and LR coordinates are ignored


refresh layer list

Script script_tool

add this function to the Script

RUN run

run this function