


This tab allows for the classification of the Band set using the spectral signatures checked in ROI & Signature list. Several classification options are set in this tab which affect the classification process also during the Classification preview.

This tool allows for the selection of one the following algorithms:

Also, it is possible to save and load a trained classifier.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Input

Tool symbol and name


Select input band set input_number

select the input Band set to be classified

checkbox Use input normalization optional

if checked, normalize the input based on the selected method

radiobutton Z-score

if checked with checkbox Use input normalized, Z-score normalization of input is performed

radiobutton Linear scaling

if checked with checkbox Use input normalized, Linear scaling normalization of input is performed

Use training radiobutton Macroclass ID

if checked, the classification is performed using

Use training radiobutton Class ID the Macroclass ID (code MC ID of the signature)

if checked, the classification is performed using the Class ID (code C ID of the signature) Algorithm

This tool allows for the selection of the classification algorithm. The algorithm tab includes the available parameters. Maximum Likelihood


Maximum Likelihood

Use the Maximum Likelihood algorithm.

Tool symbol and name


Use single threshold input_number optional

if checked, it allows for the definition of a classification threshold (applied to all the spectral signatures); pixels are unclassified if probability is less than threshold value (max 100)

Signature threshold input_number optional

if checked, thresholds Signature threshold are evaluated


open the Signature threshold for the definition of signature thresholds

checkbox Save signature raster optional

if checked, in addition to the classification raster, for each spectral signature a raster is saved in the same output directory, which represents the distance between pixel and signature

checkbox Calculate classification confidence raster optional

if checked, calculate classification confidence raster Minimum Distance


Minimum Distance

Use the Minimum Distance algorithm.

Tool symbol and name


Use single threshold input_number optional

if checked, it allows for the definition of a classification threshold (applied to all the spectral signatures); pixels are unclassified if distance is greater than threshold value

Signature threshold input_number optional

if checked, thresholds Signature threshold are evaluated


open the Signature threshold for the definition of signature thresholds

checkbox Save signature raster optional

if checked, in addition to the classification raster, for each spectral signature a raster is saved in the same output directory, which represents the distance between pixel and signature

checkbox Calculate classification confidence raster optional

if checked, calculate classification confidence raster Multi-layer Perceptron


Multi-layer Perceptron

Use the Multi-Layer Perceptron algorithm.

Tool symbol and name


Use framework radiobutton scikit-learn

if checked, use scikit-learn framework (read this)

Use framework radiobutton PyTorch

if checked, use PyTorch framework (read about this)

Hidden layer sizes input_number

list of values separated by comma, where each value defines the number of neurons in a hidden layer (e.g.: 200, 100 for two hidden layers of 200 and 100 neurons respectively)

Max iter input_number

set the maximum number of iterations

Activation input_text

set the activation function (default: relu)

Alpha input_number

set the weight decay (also L2 regularization term) for Adam optimizer

Training proportion input_number

set the proportion of data to be used as training and the remaining part as test

Batch size input_text

set the number of samples per batch for optimizer; if auto, the batch is the minimum value between 200 and the number of samples

Learning rate init input_number

set initial learning rate

checkbox Cross validation optional

if checked, perform cross validation

checkbox Find best estimator with steps optional

if checked, find the best estimator iteratively with a number of steps

checkbox Calculate classification confidence raster optional

if checked, calculate classification confidence raster Random Forest


Random Forest

Use the Random Forest algorithm.

Tool symbol and name


Number of trees input_number

set the number of trees

Minimum number to split input_number

set the minimum number of samples required to split an internal node

Max features input_number optional

for node splitting, if empty all features are considered; if sqrt the square root of all the features, if integer number the number of features; if float number a fraction of all the features

checkbox One-Vs-Rest optional

if checked, perform One-Vs-Rest classification (read more)

checkbox Cross validation optional

if checked, perform cross validation

checkbox Balanced class weight optional

if checked, balanced weight is computed inversely proportional to class frequency

checkbox Find best estimator with steps optional

if checked, find the best estimator iteratively with a number of steps

checkbox Calculate classification confidence raster optional

if checked, calculate classification confidence raster Spectral Angle Mapping


Spectral Angle Mapping

Use the Spectral Angle Mapping algorithm.

Tool symbol and name


Use single threshold input_number optional

if checked, it allows for the definition of a classification threshold (applied to all the spectral signatures); pixels are unclassified if spectral angle distance is greater than threshold value (max 90)

Signature threshold input_number optional

if checked, thresholds Signature threshold are evaluated


open the Signature threshold for the definition of signature thresholds

checkbox Save signature raster optional

if checked, in addition to the classification raster, for each spectral signature a raster is saved in the same output directory, which represents the distance between pixel and signature

checkbox Calculate classification confidence raster optional

if checked, calculate classification confidence raster Support Vector Machine


Support Vector Machine

Use the Support Vector Machine algorithm.

Tool symbol and name


Regularization parameter C input_number

set the regularization parameter C

Kernel input_text

set the kernel (default: rbf)

Gamma input_text

set the kernel coefficient gamma (default: scale)

checkbox Cross validation optional

if checked, perform cross validation

checkbox Balanced class weight optional

if checked, balanced weight is computed inversely proportional to class frequency

checkbox Find best estimator with steps optional

if checked, find the best estimator iteratively with a number of steps

checkbox Calculate classification confidence raster optional

if checked, calculate classification confidence raster Run

It is possible to run the classification, or save and load a trained classifier.

Classification raster is a file .tif (a QGIS style file .qml is saved along with the classification); also other outputs can be optionally calculated. Outputs are loaded in QGIS after the calculation.

Tool symbol and name


Load classifier open_file

open an already save classifier file (.rsmo)

Save classifier export

save the classifier to file (.rsmo), in order to be loaded later

RUN run

run this function