Reproject raster bands


Reproject raster bands

This tab allows for reprojecting bands in a Band set and perform other raster operations.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Reproject raster bands

Tool symbol and name


Select input band set input_number

select the input Band set to be reprojected

radiobutton Align to raster input_list optional

if checked, use the same coordinate reference system and pixel size as the selected reference

checkbox same extent as reference input_list optional

if checked, the output extent will be the same as the reference


refresh layer list

checkbox Use EPSG code input_text optional

if checked, use the EPSG code for defining the output coordinate reference system

X resolution input_text optional

set X pixel resolution

Y resolution input_text optional

set Y pixel resolution

checkbox Resample pixel factor input_text optional

if checked, new pixel size will be the original size times this factor

Resampling method input_list

select the resampling method; options are: nearest_neighbour, average, sum, maximum, minimum, mode, median, first_quartile, third_quartile

Output type input_list

select the output raster type; options are: Auto (same as input), Float32, Int32, UInt32, Int16, UInt16, Byte

checkbox Change output NoData value input_number

if checked, set a new value for NoData pixels

Output name prefix input_text

set the prefix for output file names (default is reproj)

Compress input_text

if checked, set the compression method (e.g., LZW, DEFLATE)

Script script_tool

add this function to the Script

RUN run

run this function