3.3. Working toolbar


Working toolbar

The Working toolbar allows for creating temporary ROIs and classification previews.

The functions are described in detail in the following paragraphs.

3.3.1. Image control

Tool symbol and name



show the Main Interface Window


zoom the map to the extent of the active band set in Band set;

radiobutton RGB= input_list project_save

use the button to show/hide the active band set in Band set in the map; from the list select a Color Composite that is applied to the Band set; new color composites can be entered typing the band numbers separated by - or ; or , (e.g. RGB = 4-3-2 or RGB = 4;3;2 or RGB = 4,3,2)


display the input image stretching the minimum and maximum values according to cumulative count of current map extent


display the input image stretching the minimum and maximum values according to standard deviation of current map extent

3.3.2. Temporary ROI

A temporary ROI is a temporary polygon displayed in the map, which can be saved permanently in the Training input. A temporary ROI can be drawn manually or using a Region Growing Algorithm (i.e. the image is segmented around a pixel seed including spectrally homogeneous pixels).

Tool symbol and name



zoom the map to the extent of temporary ROI

radiobutton ROI

use the button to show/hide the temporary ROI and the Training input in the map


activate the pointer to create a temporary ROI by drawing a polygon in the map; left click on the map to define the ROI vertices and right click to define the last vertex closing the polygon; press the keyboard button CTRL to add a multipart polygon; press the keyboard buttons CTRL + Z for removing the last multipart polygon


activate the pointer to create a temporary ROI using the region growing algorithm; left click on the map for creating the ROI; right click on the map for displaying the spectral signature of a pixel of the active band set in the Spectral Signature Plot; press the keyboard button CTRL and left click to add a multipart polygon (new parts are not created if overlapping to other parts); press the keyboard buttons CTRL + Z for removing the last multipart polygon; press the keyboard button CTRL and right click to plot spectral signatures of the same pixel for all the band sets


create a temporary ROI using the region growing algorithm at the same seed pixel as the previous one; it is useful after changing the region growing parameters

Region growing parameters: the following parameters are required for the ROI creation using a region growing algorithm on the Band set:

Tool symbol and name


Dist input_number project_save

set the interval which defines the maximum spectral distance between the seed pixel and the surrounding pixels (in radiometry unit)

Min input_number project_save

set the minimum area of a ROI (in pixel unit); this setting overrides the Range radius until the minimum ROI size is reached; if Rapid ROI on band is checked, then ROI will have at least the size defined Min ROI size; if Rapid ROI on band is unchecked, then ROI could have a size smaller than Min ROI size

Max input_number project_save

set the maximum width of a ROI (i.e. the side length of a square, centred at the seed pixel, which inscribes the ROI) in pixel unit

3.3.3. Classification preview

Classification preview allows for displaying temporary classifications (i.e. classification previews). Classification previews are useful for testing the algorithm in a small area of the Band set, before classifying the entire image which can be time consuming.

Classification preview is performed according to the parameters defined in Algorithm.


ROIs and previews are performed on the active Band set.

After the creation of a new preview, old previews are placed in QGIS Layers inside a layer group named Class_temp_group and are deleted when the QGIS session is closed.


Classification previews are automatically deleted from disk when the QGIS session is closed; a QGIS message (that can be ignored) could ask for the path of missing layers when opening a previously saved project.

Tool symbol and name



zoom the map to the extent of the last Classification preview

radiobutton Preview

use the button to show/hide the last Classification preview in the map


activate the pointer for the creation of a Classification preview; left click the map to start the classification process and display the classification preview


create a new Classification preview centred at the same pixel as the previous one

T input_number

change dynamically the classification preview transparency, which is useful for comparing the classification to other layers

S input_number project_save

size of the preview in pixel unit (i.e. the side length of a square, centred at the clicked pixel)


create a KML file of the QGIS view