Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin
1. Introduction
2. Plugin Installation
3. The Interface of SCP
4. Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing
5. Basic Tutorials
6. Thematic Tutorials
7. Frequently Asked Questions
Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin
Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin Documentation
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Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin Documentation
1. Introduction
2. Plugin Installation
2.1. Windows
2.2. OSGeo4W Network installer in Windows
2.3. Linux Debian/Ubuntu
2.4. macOS
2.5. Cross-platform installation using Conda
3. The Interface of SCP
3.1. SCP menu
3.2. SCP dock
3.3. Working toolbar
3.4. Main Interface Window
3.5. Spectral Signature Plot
3.6. Scatter Plot
3.7. Integration in QGIS Processing
4. Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing
4.1. Basic Definitions
4.2. Multispectral satellites
4.3. SAR satellites
4.4. Land Cover Classification
4.5. Image processing
4.6. Image conversion to reflectance
4.7. Conversion to Temperature
4.8. References
5. Basic Tutorials
5.1. Tutorial 1: Basic Land Cover Classification
5.2. Tutorial 2: Managing input bands, the Band set tab
5.3. Tutorial 3: Downloading free satellite images, the Download product tab
6. Thematic Tutorials
6.1. Tutorial: Random Forest Classification
7. Frequently Asked Questions
7.1. Plugin installation
7.2. Pre processing
7.3. Processing
7.4. Warnings
7.5. Errors
7.6. Various