Image conversion


Image conversion

This tool allows for the conversion of several products to reflectance. Depending on the processing level of the source product, the conversion can be to the physical measure of Top Of Atmosphere reflectance (TOA), or the application of a simple atmospheric correction using the DOS1 method (Dark Object Subtraction 1), which is an image-based technique (for more information about conversion to TOA and DOS1 correction, see Conversión de la imagen a Reflectancia). In case the source product is already provided as surface reflectance level, the rescaling factors are applied to convert the DN to decimal values.

The following products can be processed:

  • Sentinel-2 images Level-1C;

  • Sentinel-2 images Level-2A;

  • Landsat 1, 2, 3 MSS, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 images Collection 2 Level-2;

  • Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Image conversion

Once the input is selected, available bands are listed in the metadata table.

Tool symbol and name


Directory containing bands open_dir

open a directory containing product bands; names of bands must end with the corresponding number; if the metadata file is included in this directory then Metadata is automatically filled

Select metadata file open_file optional

select the metadata file if not included in the Directory containing bands; for Sentinel-2, the metadata file is a .xml file whose name contains MTD_MSIL1C.

checkbox Use value as NoData input_number

if checked, pixels having NoData value are not counted during conversion and the DOS1 calculation of DNmin; it is useful when image has a black border (usually pixel value = 0)

checkbox Apply DOS1 atmospheric correction

if checked, the Corrección DOS1 is applied to all the bands

checkbox Create Band set and use Band set tools

if checked, bands are added to the active Band set after the conversion; also, the Band set is processed according to the tools checked in the Conjunto de Bandas

radiobutton Add bands in a new Band set

if checked, bands are added to a new empty Band set after the conversion


For the best spectral precision one should download Surface Reflectance products (e.g., for Sentinel-2 the Level-2A Products).


For Sentinel-2 L2A images downloaded as .zip file, all the .jp2 files must be moved inside the same directory and renamed according to the band number in the ending (e.g. from name_02_10m.jp2 to name_02.jp2). Metadata

Metadata are required for the process to identify the product. If the Metadata file is not inside the input directory, one can define the file path in Select metadata file. In the Metadata, all the bands found in are listed.

The table Metadata contains the following fields.















product name (e.g., Sentinel-2)

spacecraft name (e.g., Sentinel-2)

processing level of the product (e.g., Level-2)

name of the band

path of the band

scale of the band

offset of the band

nodata value of the band

date of acquisition of the product

k1 parameter for Landsat thermal conversion

k2 parameter for Landsat thermal conversion

band number

solar irradiance of band

Earth-Sun distance

It is possible to remove bands from the table, to exclude these bands from the conversion.

Tool symbol and name



remove highlighted bands from the table Metadata

Bands having different spatial resolution are not resampled at this stage. However, when using these bands in a classification process, all the bands are resampled on the fly to the highest spatial resolution with nearest neighbor.

Tool symbol and name


Script script_tool

add this function to the Script

RUN run

run this function


To reduce file size, output files are saved as data type UInt16 with scale 0.0001, which are interpreted as Float32 type by GDAL.