Mosaico de conjuntos de bandas


Mosaic band sets

This tool allows for the mosaic of band sets, merging the corresponding bands of two or more band sets defined in the Conjunto de Bandas. An output band is created for every corresponding set of bands in the band sets. NoData values of one band set are replaced by the values of the other band sets.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Mosaico de conjuntos de bandas

Símbolo de la herramienta y nombre


Band set list texto de entrada

list if band sets defined in the Conjunto de Bandas; in case of overlapping images, the pixel values of the first band set in the list are assigned

casilla de confirmación Usar el valor como Sin Datos número de entrada opcional

Si está marcado, configura el valor de los píxeles Sin datos, se ignorará durante los cálculos

casilla de confirmación Create virtual raster output opcional

if checked, output is created as virtual raster .vrt composed of as many .tif files as the number of threads defined in System; for large rasters this can speed up the process

Prefijo del nombre del archivo de salida texto de entrada

set the prefix for output file names (default is mosaic)

Script herramienta_script

añadir está función al Script

EJECUTAR ejecutar

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