Vectorial a ráster


Vector to raster

This tab allows for the conversion of a vector (polygon) to raster format.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Convertir vector a raster

Símbolo de la herramienta y nombre


Select the vector lista_entrada

select a vector already loaded in QGIS


refresca la lista de capas

botón de radio Use the value field of the vector lista_entrada

if checked, the selected field is used as attribute for the conversion; pixels of the output raster have the same values as the vector attribute

botón de radio Use constant value número de entrada

if checked, the polygons are converted to raster using the selected constant value

Select the reference raster lista_entrada

select a reference raster; pixels of the output raster have the same size and alignment as the reference raster


refresca la lista de capas

Tamaño de píxel texto de entrada

set the size of pixel of output raster

casilla de confirmación Minimum extent

if checked, the output raster has the minimum vector extent; otherwise, output extent is the same as the Select the reference raster lista_entrada

Select the type of conversion lista_entrada

select the type of conversion among:
  • pixel_center: during the conversion, vector is compared to the reference raster; output raster pixels are attributed to a polygon if pixel center is within that polygon

  • all_touched: during the conversion, vector is compared to the reference raster; output raster pixels are attributed to a polygon if pixel touches that polygon

  • area_based: during the conversion, output raster pixels are attributed based on area proportion of polygons

Area precision texto de entrada

for area_based method, the higher the value, the higher is the precision in the calculation of area proportion (and the time required for calculation)

casilla de confirmación Usar el valor como Sin Datos número de entrada

if checked, set a value for NoData pixels

Script herramienta_script

añadir está función al Script

EJECUTAR ejecutar

ejecutar esta función