Vector to raster


Vector to raster

This tab allows for the conversion of a vector (polygon) to raster format.


Information about APIs of this tool in Remotior Sensus at this link . Convert vector to raster

Tool symbol and name


Select the vector input_list

select a vector already loaded in QGIS


refresh layer list

radiobutton Use the value field of the vector input_list

if checked, the selected field is used as attribute for the conversion; pixels of the output raster have the same values as the vector attribute

radiobutton Use constant value input_number

if checked, the polygons are converted to raster using the selected constant value

Select the reference raster input_list

select a reference raster; pixels of the output raster have the same size and alignment as the reference raster


refresh layer list

Pixel size input_text

set the size of pixel of output raster

checkbox Minimum extent

if checked, the output raster has the minimum vector extent; otherwise, output extent is the same as the Select the reference raster input_list

Select the type of conversion input_list

select the type of conversion among:
  • pixel_center: during the conversion, vector is compared to the reference raster; output raster pixels are attributed to a polygon if pixel center is within that polygon

  • all_touched: during the conversion, vector is compared to the reference raster; output raster pixels are attributed to a polygon if pixel touches that polygon

  • area_based: during the conversion, output raster pixels are attributed based on area proportion of polygons

Area precision input_text

for area_based method, the higher the value, the higher is the precision in the calculation of area proportion (and the time required for calculation)

checkbox Use value as NoData input_number

if checked, set a value for NoData pixels

Script script_tool

add this function to the Script

RUN run

run this function